Sunday, September 14, 2014

Style 344 Photo Shoot Sneak Peeks

Photo Credit: HENDO PHOTO

Hey loves! So I'm working on a ton of projects but wanted you to check out my latest shoot with Style344! Go to

Photo Credit: HENDO PHOTO
Photo Credit: HENDO PHOTO
Photo Credit: HENDO PHOTO

How I Deal With Haters, Trolls and Everything In Between.

Let's get real, not everyone you encounter is going to like you. No matter how nice, sweet, caring and big-hearted you are; you're going to run into people who just straight up hate you and you might not even know them. Maybe they're jealous, believe ridiculous lies or whatever their issue is with you, don't give them your energy to feed off of to create more "drama."

There's people who hate me for absolutely no reason and have been nothing but nice to them and they still find a way to try and bring me down by spreading false information down and trying to tell me that I'm pretty much nothing and a horrible person. Where they get that from? Who fucking knows but here's my six steps in not letting them get to me, to help you minimize the hatred. 

1.) The Blocking Spree:
This is probably the most effective way for eliminating negative energy out of my life, from my personal experience. When I found out people were mocking me, making me feel like complete shit, saying horrible things, posting things that they think I wouldn't see about me, etc. I blocked every person who contributed to those posts on every social media site, why? Because they will take something that I post, twist my words, make fun of me and make a laughing stock out of me and they don't need to see what I'm doing in my life. I don't need negativity in my life to move forward in my career. I don't need to feel like I'm not good enough, pretty enough, or even "tatted up" enough to do what makes me happy and confident, which is modeling.

2.) The "Ignoring it" Phase
Trust me, this is one of the things I really struggle with but I've seen it work in my personal life as well and that's ignoring the complete trash talk. Sometimes, I feel like I have to justify myself to prove to everyone that I'm not this "fake bitch who doesn't know what real life is" and make a scene of it. But, to me that shows that I'm lowering myself and not taking the high road if I make a public scene. The one thing that I will make a scene of is if people talking about my parents, my adoption and to talking about how I was adopted because no one wanted me or wanted to love me, which is messed up and that's the one thing that I feel needs to be addressed when an issue of that nature comes into play. Back to the ignoring part though, if you don't give them the time of day, they'll eventually move on and find someone else to make their lives a living hell because they have NO life. By ignoring them, they become confused, irritated and desperate to get your attention or attention from others so they can feed off of it. Bottom line is, don't feed the viscous and make them weak by not responding. (Just my opinion.)

3.) Laugh it off
Now, I've seen some ridiculous things about me that were very hurtful at first and now looking back, I can't help but laugh. If you're currently going through "cyber bullying" just as I did, I know that it can really hurt and you're probably saying to yourself "How the fuck is being mocked funny?" well it isn't going to be currently as it's happening, but when you get the opportunity to prove your "haters" wrong; nothing is more funny than seeing what you have accomplished and seeing your haters continue to find victims because they have nothing going for them and who obviously have nothing better to do. I laugh at them because they're jealous most of the time, mad because they're too scared to follow their dreams and hate people who have some slight success in what the person that they're mocking's dream/career. After my shoot and interview with Style344, when it went live, I knew I had just shut up the people who claim to say "I don't do anything and force people to shoot with me" and I couldn't help but laugh, but I honestly really like to prove people wrong in my actions and steps that I take to get closer to what I envision myself as in the near or far future.

4.) You Do YOU, Don't Be Afraid To Be Who You Are and Go For Your Goals.
It's as simple as that, just live your life the way you want and follow your dreams. Never give up on what you want in life, don't let people tell you, you can't do something, because you CAN. Anything you put your mind too, you can accomplish and always remember that. Forget what others say, LIVE YOUR LIFE.

5.) Don't Second Guess Who You Are As A Person
Don't ever second guess yourself just because of a few people who don't know who you are as a person or know your heart. Now, this is something that I've had to learn the hard way. During the time that I was getting bullied on a regular basis, I second guessed who I am as a person. I thought that maybe I was everything that those people were saying when in reality, nothing that they say are true facts. I had to have to some reassurance from my family, friends and even coworkers to just remind me that I am a good person and I've done so many positive things in my life and that outweighs the mistakes I've made. Second guessing yourself will only bring you down more and there's nothing worse than believing the negative things that are said when you know in your heart those negative statements or rumors aren't true. You need to stand up for what you believe, want, and know exactly who you are without people trying to trick you into thinking you're a piece of dog crap because you don't deserve that level of negativity, no one really does unless they're really horrible person like a rapist or murderer or anything along those sides of pure evil.

6.) Stay True to Yourself
Staying true to who you are is important. This is kind of a branch off of step number five, but I thought I'd touch on it a little more. Needless to say, you need to stay true to yourself and not change who you are, especially if you and you're loved ones know that you're absolutely 100%, without a doubt a good person. You don't need to change for the favor of your haters because they're still probably going to hate you, find something else they don't like about you or call you fake and that's just the way life is. Changing your beliefs, style, career and what you want to chase after isn't going to benefit you or bring you happiness, at all. To change who you've grown to be can definitely make you depressed, especially when it's for other people and not yourself. Personally, I think by changing for others turns you into someone you're not, at all and doesn't show the genuine person that you probably are. To be influenced by complete bullies, is extremely unhealthy, whether you're a kid, teenager or even an adult. Striving to be someone you're not is just going to wear you out and eventually you're not going to want to keep up with what you think people want you to be because you're not putting your heart and energy into YOU but for the sake of others. By not putting all of your energy into yourself to make you happy, you're probably going to end up feeling fatigued, sad and trapped. Changing yourself because you don't want to be hated is preventing you from expressing who you are as an individual and holding you back from what you really want in your life. Remember, there's only one unique you. It's hard to do sometimes, but you need to embrace yourself, do what makes you happy in life and stand behind everything you have to offer the world. 

By following these steps (that are in no particular order) I've seen a dramatic difference in my life. Eliminating the negativity has made me strong, I've grown thick skin, it has given me my happiness back and I no longer have clinically diagnosed depression.  

I hope you guys liked this kinda short and sweet post! Don't forget to follow me on Social Media!
YouTube: ItsKatieLaFleur
Instagram: katielafleurr
Twitter: kallmekatiee
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Much Love! A new YouTube video will be out this week hopefully!
