Wednesday, July 2, 2014

SPRINTEC REVIEW and Birth Control thoughts :)

I'm sure most of you ladies have heard or are on birth control for various and different reasons, right? Well here is my review of Sprintec after almost 2.5 years of using it!

To be honest, I did not initially want to be on birth control because I thought it was only for girls and women who were sexually active which is probably most young girls' thoughts when their doctor recommends being on birth control. It's perfectly normal to think that; as most girls my age (19-21) thought that too when they were first introduced at around the age of 16. 

A little back story on me and my experiences on birth control, I started it probably around the age of 16 because I was having severe migraines, headaches, body aches, etc. and my physician thought I might of had a hormone imbalance, so I was first put on BeYaz and to be very blunt, I hated it. For about 3-4 months on being on the B.C BeYaz, I literally was having periods that would be two weeks long, I'd stop for a week and then continue with a long and heavy period, let's just say, I've definitely seen brighter days. I mean really, what girl wants to be on her period for two weeks? I can barely stand 5 days! So, due to that incident my doctor had raised the dosage and it didn't help at all, even giving it 3 months to take any kind of effect on my body. I got so fed up with it, I just stopped taking it all together and said "I'm done, I'm not sexually active, I think my body needs a break." Mind you I was just turning 17 and didn't have the "need" for birth control. After a couple months, my period began to be normal and regular, but I noticed my skin was breaking out a ton and my flow was definitely heavier which I would take over having a two week long period with a week long break any day. I just kind of continued to live my life and not make a big deal about it, until the day I became "sexually active" (such a responsible term haha) with someone I truly care about. So, my doctor put me on Sprintec with a hope and a prayer that it wouldn't do the same thing to my body as BeYaz did.

Two and a half years later, I can say that Sprintec has really helped my life when TOM comes around. My periods are lighter, they come at the exact same time on the exact same day every month and it only lasts on average about 5 days which is awesome. I've noticed that my skin has really cleared up over the years partly because of the Sprintec and partly because I have a skin routine that works for me. The only thing I've really noticed is that about three days before my period starts, I break out a little bit in my chin area which is due to hormones and maybe like one little white head on my forehead where I can just use my Clean and Clear Spot Treatment over night and literally kills those alien invasions on my face!

Overall I'd have to give Sprintec a 5 out of 5 simply because it works best for my body!

Thoughts on Birth Control:
Frankly, I am definitely not against birth control AT ALL. I think it's quite a controversial topic but some women go on birth control simply because they want lighter periods. You don't need to be sexually active to be on birth control and if someone asks you why you're taking it, it's really none of their business especially if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Being on the pill because you are sexually active doesn't mean you're a slut or a whore or anything like that, to me that's being responsible especially if you don't want kids right now, but sometimes it might "fail" so just make sure you are using a condom if you really do not want to get pregnant at this time of your life. Just make good choices, ya know what I mean? People around where I live seem to be really quick to judge girls who are on birth control, they feel as if "it's stopping God from creating life" and things like that. Just always keep in mind that it really is not their place to deem you something you're not like let's say a slut. Maybe you have medical conditions and the pills help with what you're going through like a hormone balance. I don't think women/girls should be ashamed of being on Birth Control, like I always say. "You do you." ;)

Most Common Question:
Is Birth Control right for me?
Honestly, if you are struggling with hormonal headaches, acne, heavy flows and irregular cycles I think you should really talk to your doctor about what Birth Control is best for you, especially if you're sexually active. Ask your doctor about different types of birth control and maybe expand on seeing if an IUD is even right for you if you don't want to take a pill every single day at the exact same time!

I hope this post helped give some insight on what you think is best for your body and that this girl on girl chat gave you some things to think about or things to bring up with your doctor for either the present or the future! As always I love you guys!


Don't forget to follow me on Social Media!
Instagram: the_katiee
Twitter: kallmekatiee 
Facebook: Like me on my Facebook Fan Page by searching Katie McBride

Tuesday, July 1, 2014



Weight, the most dreaded topic especially for girls. 
What I've noticed recently is "plus size" girls harping on girls like me by saying dudes go after them more because they're more desirable. But, when it comes down to it, it's personal preference whether a guy wants to be with a plus size girl or wants to be with a little girl. I don't think in the dating game it's a competition to see how many guys come up to you buying you drinks. 
Being as little as I am, (5'3 at 93lbs) is actually embarrassing. Under my circumstances though, I really can't put on weight and I don't believe in eating super unhealthy just to gain weight.
In my dating scene, my weight has never been an issue to any particular guy I've been with. I've never been told to gain or lose weight because quite frankly, I'm not here to impress anyone. I'm here to do me and if someone likes me physically and emotionally then great, of not? That's awesome too.
I think society and the way beauty is perceived is very messed up and confusing but why try to fit in? The way I see it, is that you should sustain a healthy weight for your personal body type and shape. You don't need unhealthy food to gain weight just like you don't need to starve yourself to lose weight because it is very unhealthy. Stop looking at the numbers and maybe take a look inside someone's soul, that goes for EVERYONE. Your weight, hip size, chest size is just a number, do what makes you feel confident as well as healthy. Girls, stop comparing yourself to other girls. All of us have confidence issues sometimes and telling girls that they're not desirable to men because they're not "plus size" hurts people whether you know it or not. Just because someone is plus size or skinny, doesn't mean one is more beautiful than the other. Beauty is truly on the inside, yes you can be physically beautiful as well but your heart and intentions is what guys are scoping you out for if they're interested. 
Plus size girls, skinny girls, and everything in between; Do you think you might get the male attention more by the way you dress or by acting promiscuous? If so, stop and think if you're attracting the right kind of guys. 
Like I said, everyone has their own preferences, not every guy or girl wants the same exact traits in someone because everyone has complete different ideas as to what they find attractive or not. 
Girl to Girl Talk:
Stop bringing up weight to compare yourself and boast yourself. Sometimes, things like that are very offensive and hurts other people's feelings. Just think that maybe because guys are all over you, other guys are all over someone else who is the exact opposite. Stop making yourself feel better by putting others down. 


Sunday, June 29, 2014

All About my Current Tattoos 💀

So, I don't think it's been a secret about how I have a few tattoos but I literally get so many questions from a younger crowd and usually they're the same kind of questions so I thought I'd make kind of an FAQ on them :)

1.) Did they hurt?
Honestly, I didn't think any of my tattoos actually "hurt." But, keep in mind some people's pain tolerance can be incredibly low and it hurts them more than another person. Pain wise, it really depends on the placement and if you're getting inked where the "typical" tender parts are being tattooed on the body. (Ex: ribs, feet, spine etc.) For me, I believe I've had the easiest placement pain wise to get tattooed, which is why I crave more. To me, I wouldn't say tattoos hurt but they can sting and be uncomfortable at times. The one thing I can compare getting tattooed pain wise, is it feeling like a warm cat scratch. Which is really not that bad. 

2.) How do you take care of your tattoo after you get it?
Depending on how large your piece is, keep it wrapped up for about an hour, to two hours or even 4 hours just so the gauze can soak up all the plasma and blood, which is completely normal! After the bandage is off by the artists directions, I rinse it off with some warm water, put a thin layer of Aquaphor and then the next day, proceed to wash it gently with my hand, using non-scented anti-bacterial soap and reapplying the Aquaphor in an extremely thin layer about three times a day! Do not exfoliate with an abrasive loofa or exfoliating brush after you get a fresh tattoo!

3.) How Many Tattoos Do You have?
Currently, I have about four tattoos, but I am working on my full sleeve on my left arm!

4.) What do Your Tattoos Look Like?
I guess it's easier to show you guys than to explain them ;) 
Excuse the awkward picture but when you're a one man show, you gotta do what you gotta do ;)

5.) What do Your Tattoos Mean?
"I got a pocketful of dreams" actually is something I've wanted for years. To me, it basically reminds me to hold on to your dreams no matter what anyone says, turn them into reality and then make for dreams or goals for myself.
My skull and roses actually represent a lot to me. I've been through a ton of negative things in my life whether anyone knows it or not, my life isn't unicorns and rainbows coming out of my butt and the skull essentially represents that the negative things are dead while there are roses and leaves growing out of the skull that signify new beginnings and a new life. It shows that every negative thing that happens, I can put it to rest and grow as a person from those unfortunate situations.

6.) Do You Think You're Inked Up and a Badass?
HELL NO. I actually feel the exact opposite of myself. Yes, I do have a little ink, but I won't consider myself "Inked Up" until my sleeve, ribs, back and thighs have all the tattoos I want! I would also never consider myself a "badass" well because I'm me. I'm just a kid who loves art, that's it!

7.) When Should I Get a Tattoo?
Personally, I really have to think before I get inked because it's PERMANENT. That's a huge dedication and commitment to get a tattoo. Whenever you feel ready and know that the tattoo is something you've wanted for awhile, go for it! 

I hope this gave you guys some insight about the questions that are asked! If any of you get some ink show me on Instagram by tagging me @the_katiee with the hashtag #showkatieink 

As always follow me on my social media sites!
Instagram: the_katiee
Twitter: kallmekatiee 
Facebook: like me at Katie McBride



Permanent Social Media Account Updates! :)

As you all know I've been revamping for CALLMEKATIEE and here are my new official accounts where I will be able to see everything! 

Find me by searching:

Find me by searching: 

Like me on my fan page by searching Katie McBride and you'll see my profile picture as this shot by GKR PHOTOGRAPHY

Now that I've made an email account strictly for CALLMEKATIEE and business my new email is

Now I saved the best and most exciting account for last, my new YouTube Channel! Find me by searching KatieDaily, you'll get to take a peek into my boring life, beauty product reviews, motivating others, fashion and so much more!  

Thank you to all my viewers you guys are my franily and thanks for sticking around even though I've been a little MIA!



"Let me tell you something. You're worth it. No matter how many times someone has told you otherwise, you really are."

I know some people get bullied on a daily basis and I'm here to help. So, here's the back story. In January I was getting bullied because I am trying to start my career in serious modeling, a full time blogger and a YouTuber. When I had my first Winter shoot of 2014, let's just say I got a massive amount of hatred by a person that would say I pay for my photo shoots (which I don't and never have) telling me I'm not a "model" and made a whole entire post about a month ago humiliating me about things that aren't even true but people seem to believe that everything that comes out of a bullies mouth is true, when in reality it's not. 

Throughout the past couple of months that quote up above has really helped me out on days where I feel like a loser or start to believe that they're right when they're not and that's why I'm here to just change a life for someone who's hurting emotionally.

To my viewers and followers, you don't have to physically stand up for yourself or seek revenge. The less you ignore them, the faster they'll move on and or get pissed because they can't get a reaction out of you which is ultimately what they want. Honestly, bullies have shallow lives that have nothing better to do besides talk badly about people and if you're a victim try as hard to ignore them. If it upsets you, keep it private. 

Now, I'm notorious for running my mouth but I did make a genuine apology and that's where things got out of hand. I think if you feel the need to apologize, take responsibility, then do it. Whether they accept it or not, that's their own problem and shows that they are absolutely hateful and that you don't need to even try if they can't think about the things they've done and won't apologize as well. If you don't feel the need to apologize because you did absolutely NOTHING wrong, then don't feel obligated to apologize you know?

Bullying all comes down to maturity levels and the mentality people have in life. It shows they are insecure and don't love themselves, so putting others down makes them feel more superior than they actually are. They are no better than anyone, not you, I or anyone else. 

The one thing that is the most illogical concept to me, is when bullies act like they're going to physically harm you or property and that is absolutely messed up. If you feel like you are in harms way, call a cop or whoever to take steps towards keeping your safety a priority. 

Don't be scared to talk to law enforcement because their job is to help protect the community. From past experiences, they've been nothing but awesome and they encourage me to keep on doing what I want and that boosts my confidence, that's for sure. 

All of you bully victims, I'm always here to talk and If you'd like some personal advice or if you'd like to get to know me more send questions in at my email me at for a topic on YouTube to make a video about. P.S all questions will remain anonymous if you'd like!
Also follow me on my social media to talk too! 
Instagram: the_katiee
YouTube: KatieDaily 
Twitter: kallmekatiee 
Facebook: (search and like my Fan Page) at Katie McBride

I don't want any of my viewers to feel like they're not good enough or stupid or anything like that because all of you have self worth and will do so much better in the long run. I've learned to take everything day by day and I hope you all do the same. Let's stop every kind of bullying and make this world a better place!
