Tuesday, July 1, 2014



Weight, the most dreaded topic especially for girls. 
What I've noticed recently is "plus size" girls harping on girls like me by saying dudes go after them more because they're more desirable. But, when it comes down to it, it's personal preference whether a guy wants to be with a plus size girl or wants to be with a little girl. I don't think in the dating game it's a competition to see how many guys come up to you buying you drinks. 
Being as little as I am, (5'3 at 93lbs) is actually embarrassing. Under my circumstances though, I really can't put on weight and I don't believe in eating super unhealthy just to gain weight.
In my dating scene, my weight has never been an issue to any particular guy I've been with. I've never been told to gain or lose weight because quite frankly, I'm not here to impress anyone. I'm here to do me and if someone likes me physically and emotionally then great, of not? That's awesome too.
I think society and the way beauty is perceived is very messed up and confusing but why try to fit in? The way I see it, is that you should sustain a healthy weight for your personal body type and shape. You don't need unhealthy food to gain weight just like you don't need to starve yourself to lose weight because it is very unhealthy. Stop looking at the numbers and maybe take a look inside someone's soul, that goes for EVERYONE. Your weight, hip size, chest size is just a number, do what makes you feel confident as well as healthy. Girls, stop comparing yourself to other girls. All of us have confidence issues sometimes and telling girls that they're not desirable to men because they're not "plus size" hurts people whether you know it or not. Just because someone is plus size or skinny, doesn't mean one is more beautiful than the other. Beauty is truly on the inside, yes you can be physically beautiful as well but your heart and intentions is what guys are scoping you out for if they're interested. 
Plus size girls, skinny girls, and everything in between; Do you think you might get the male attention more by the way you dress or by acting promiscuous? If so, stop and think if you're attracting the right kind of guys. 
Like I said, everyone has their own preferences, not every guy or girl wants the same exact traits in someone because everyone has complete different ideas as to what they find attractive or not. 
Girl to Girl Talk:
Stop bringing up weight to compare yourself and boast yourself. Sometimes, things like that are very offensive and hurts other people's feelings. Just think that maybe because guys are all over you, other guys are all over someone else who is the exact opposite. Stop making yourself feel better by putting others down. 


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