Sunday, June 29, 2014


"Let me tell you something. You're worth it. No matter how many times someone has told you otherwise, you really are."

I know some people get bullied on a daily basis and I'm here to help. So, here's the back story. In January I was getting bullied because I am trying to start my career in serious modeling, a full time blogger and a YouTuber. When I had my first Winter shoot of 2014, let's just say I got a massive amount of hatred by a person that would say I pay for my photo shoots (which I don't and never have) telling me I'm not a "model" and made a whole entire post about a month ago humiliating me about things that aren't even true but people seem to believe that everything that comes out of a bullies mouth is true, when in reality it's not. 

Throughout the past couple of months that quote up above has really helped me out on days where I feel like a loser or start to believe that they're right when they're not and that's why I'm here to just change a life for someone who's hurting emotionally.

To my viewers and followers, you don't have to physically stand up for yourself or seek revenge. The less you ignore them, the faster they'll move on and or get pissed because they can't get a reaction out of you which is ultimately what they want. Honestly, bullies have shallow lives that have nothing better to do besides talk badly about people and if you're a victim try as hard to ignore them. If it upsets you, keep it private. 

Now, I'm notorious for running my mouth but I did make a genuine apology and that's where things got out of hand. I think if you feel the need to apologize, take responsibility, then do it. Whether they accept it or not, that's their own problem and shows that they are absolutely hateful and that you don't need to even try if they can't think about the things they've done and won't apologize as well. If you don't feel the need to apologize because you did absolutely NOTHING wrong, then don't feel obligated to apologize you know?

Bullying all comes down to maturity levels and the mentality people have in life. It shows they are insecure and don't love themselves, so putting others down makes them feel more superior than they actually are. They are no better than anyone, not you, I or anyone else. 

The one thing that is the most illogical concept to me, is when bullies act like they're going to physically harm you or property and that is absolutely messed up. If you feel like you are in harms way, call a cop or whoever to take steps towards keeping your safety a priority. 

Don't be scared to talk to law enforcement because their job is to help protect the community. From past experiences, they've been nothing but awesome and they encourage me to keep on doing what I want and that boosts my confidence, that's for sure. 

All of you bully victims, I'm always here to talk and If you'd like some personal advice or if you'd like to get to know me more send questions in at my email me at for a topic on YouTube to make a video about. P.S all questions will remain anonymous if you'd like!
Also follow me on my social media to talk too! 
Instagram: the_katiee
YouTube: KatieDaily 
Twitter: kallmekatiee 
Facebook: (search and like my Fan Page) at Katie McBride

I don't want any of my viewers to feel like they're not good enough or stupid or anything like that because all of you have self worth and will do so much better in the long run. I've learned to take everything day by day and I hope you all do the same. Let's stop every kind of bullying and make this world a better place!


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