Monday, March 17, 2014

My Adoption ❤️

Photo Credit: Divineskye Photography
Photographer: Megan Lunsford

So, I'm not going to lie, being adopted has been a very touchy subject for me and I'm here to now tell my personal story. 

I'm sure a lot of people look at me and assume that I was raised into a strict asian family who had traveled over from Asia to give me better opportunities and it's really the complete opposite of that. 

Giving up a child isn't easy but if you know you can't care and provide for a child and give that child somewhere to live a full life, that's one of the greatest things a person can do.

An Adoption Story:
On September 11, 1994 a baby girl was born who desperately needed a family that would love her, care for her, provide for her and who needed a family that would shape this baby into a person with great character. The Birth Mother wanted the absolute best for this precious life and didn't settle for less. When this baby was born, the birth mother obviously knew she couldn't keep this child and put her up for adoption and was contacted by an agency with a couple who wanted a child so badly. There were other families and couples looking into adopting this baby girl and after the birth mother was finished talking to all the candidates, the couple who wanted a family more than anything and would do anything to provide for the child stood out among the rest to the birth mother and they were given this precious child. This couple went to great lengths to have this baby's adoption finalized and legal and it involved selling a condo to pay for the adoption fees, even though this couple already had a house, it showed how much they were willing to do anything for this child.

When the baby was brought home, her new family literally smothered her with unconditional love and care, something she wouldn't of had if her birth mother would of kept her. She was given opportunities where her interests peaked, a great education, a quiet peaceful environment and room to just be a kid. This child and her Mommy's souls were meant to be together and showed the whole world that even though you might not be blood related, a Mother and Child's bond is more important than having the same blood. You're probably wondering about the Daddy, right? Well, her dad might be a little rough around the edges but don't let it fool you, this baby brought so much joy, love and sensitivity to him and finally had a buddy where he could teach everything too.

This girl lived a good, normal and enriched childhood. The key to her normality was that her parents told her when she was able to comprehend that she was adopted but that she is loved unconditionally by her parents and that would never change. This little girl didn't care one single bit that she was different looking from her parents and she 100% understood that it's okay to have a different and unique story among the sheep. This child was such an outdoors kind of kid, loved going out and getting dirty, hyper, a gymnast, musically inclined, bright and full of happiness, everything her Birth Mother wanted for this child that she had called "Tahn Mae Do." 

To this day, this adopted child loves her life and family and has become a young women who is now well on her way of being 20 years old! 

Here are a few pictures of MY precious, loving and happy family! 
Straight cheesin' after my first official photo shoot with my family right there with me and supporting me! <3

The Struggle That I Face:
My biggest struggle that I face in my life that's related to the adoption is that my Birth Mother does not want to meet me or come in contact with me whatsoever. It breaks my heart a little knowing that she doesn't want to see the baby she brought to this world whom she called "Tahn Mae Do," all grown up. The reason behind her not wanting to see me is because she was embarrassed about having a child at 17 out of wedlock and isn't accustomed to the Vietnamese culture. I understand it all, I'm just curious to see if my personality is similar to hers, if I look like her and all those normal questions when you don't know who your biological mother is. 

I'm gonna wrap it up here and leave you all hoping that I helped someone who has a similar story as mine!

A Message To My Birth Mom, Margie Do:
Thank you for giving me a chance at life and not choosing the easy way out of things by aborting me. I have a beautiful life and I'm forever grateful for the gift of life and even more thankful for the couple you gave me too. Thank you for calling me Tahn Mae, I just so happen to absolutely love flowers! If you ever see this here is the most recent picture of me from a photo shoot I had. 
Photo Credit: Divineskye Photography
Photographer: Megan Lunsford
Location: Red Rocks Open Space Bike Park in Colorado Springs, Colorado

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