Thursday, August 21, 2014

Being Called Chubby + My Diet

Photographer: Gabby Ruddick 
So, a few months back before a big photo shoot that I had, this dude called me chubby and I hate to admit it, but it really did have an effect on me and continues to bother me. I also get asked about my diet and what I eat so I decided to put a couple topics that are related into one big post!
Ever since that comment towards me was said, I've felt like I need to lose weight to be a successful model. I'm not going to lie, since that comment was said, I've been losing weight. At that time I was about 102lbs due to health problems and that's the highest weight I've ever been. Because I did put on some pounds from the medication, was called out on my weight and humiliated, I decided that I needed to lose weight and go on a diet. Yes, it does sound kind of bad and ridiculous about wanting to lose weight and dieting but hear me out first because this is a lifestyle change and has made me feel a little better about myself.

Let's Talk About My Changed Diet and What I Eat.
I wouldn't say I changed my diet completely but I will say it's a little different from your average person. What changed from my old routine and what someone kind of forced me to do (not a family member) is eat a big meal three times a day. But since I kind of made this lifestyle change, I don't eat three biggish portioned meals every day. What I do, is pretty simple and that's eating small portions of food throughout the day, except breakfast. I do believe that breakfast is important and that's the only fuller size meal I eat.  
For breakfast, I usually eat the same thing, every single day, which is one or two scrambled eggs (depending on how hungry I am) with onion, pepperoni and sometimes, some red bell pepper. It's fast and easy and really fills me up for a long time. When I start feeling a little hungry, I reach for either some cherry or grape tomatoes, fruit or a handful of whole almonds that aren't roasted, salted or have anything on them to snack on. If I'm at home and really hungry to the point where I feel like I need more than a snack, I cut up FRESH broccoli and cook it with a couple cloves of FRESH garlic and that will fill me up for a ridiculously long time. Let's say I make the broccoli at noon, I don't get hungry until around 8pm. Now, if I'm not that hungry or if I'm at work, I'll snack on some trail mix, a low fat string cheese or almonds all day, maybe every couple of hours I'll grab a handful of trail mix or almonds to at least have sonething in my stomach so I don't feel like starving and end up going out to eat a huge meal and then feel absolutely disgusting and tired after eating a big portion of food. Let's talk dinner, I'm going to be completely honest, sometimes I don't eat dinner because I'm just too tired to make it. When I do eat dinner, I like to make a vegetable stir fry with red bell peppers, broccoli, onion, fresh minced garlic, mushrooms and yellow squash with some low sodium soy sauce, a tad bit of sesame oil and a little bit of Sriracha or red hot chili pepper oil for flavor. Sometimes when I don't feel like making a mess of the kitchen, I take a few leaves of lettuce with a handful of an organic arugula and spinach mixture, put a couple table spoons of blue cheese dressing and just have a simple salad. Sometimes, if I'm feeling like I need some sort of meat I'll cook a chicken breast and eat it with either the salad or shred it up and add it to the stir fry. 
So that's kind of a run down of what I typically eat. It's easy, fresh, healthy and maintains my weight which is why I eat it!

Weight and Self Esteem
Right now, I'm at 97lbs and still feel like I need to drop some weight. For reference I am 5'3 so I'm petite. 
Now, I know I always preach to you guys about loving yourself and being confident because you all should and so should I.
Unfortunately, sometimes loving yourself and being confident isn't always easy. Sometimes, you look in the mirror and hate what you see and I'm gonna be real, it happens to me quite often. On occassion I tear myself to shreds. It's always the thoughts of "if I just had x,y and z" or if "I just looked a certain way, maybe I'd get noticed or maybe if I changed I could book jobs as a model" that make me doubt myself.
I really shouldn't care what people think but I'm human and sometimes words just hurt and stick with me.

The whole point of this post is that, even though I can be 100% confident in myself, sometimes I'm not and I just want to be real with people. Even big time models, actors, actresses, YouTubers and bloggers can feel down and can have a low self esteem on occassion and to me that's normal to be down sometimes. Just because someone may act confident, there's probably something about themselves they don't necessarily like and when it's pointed out, it makes that person feel a little down and that's what I'm feeling right now. Of course I'll get over it, but keep in mind, everyone has insecurities.

Follow me on Social Media:
Instagram: katielafleurr 
Twitter: kallmekatiee 
YouTube: ItsKatieLaFleur

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