Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Let's Talk Tuesday! Girl Power Tag :)

Welcome to Let's Talk Tuesdays where I answer questions and do tags that are requested ❤️

What does Girl Power mean to you?
Girl Power to me, means being empowered as a woman and going for what you want! 

What is the best advice you can give to girls who want to be powerful?
My advice to all the ladies out there is to go for your dreams, not letting anyone hold you back but also being kind to everyone around you. Being kind is so powerful and can get you so far in life.

If you could have any super power, what would it be and how would you use it?
Haha, if I could have any kind of power it would be able to make the world a peaceful place...but I'd also like the ability to eat as much as I want and not gain any weight ;)

Show us your best girl power (picture) pose.
Photo Credit: Divineskye Photography
Being confident, genuinely happy and smiling is my best pose to show the world :D

What beauty product makes you feel powerful?
Ohhh, that's a hard one! A deep plum or red lipstick makes me feel powerful and, bold and confident! My favorite lipstick at the moment is Mary Kay's True Dimensions Lipstick in Mystic Plum. 

Why is it important to have power girls as role models?
I think as a girl it's important to have a role model of the same sex because when you see your role model achieve something you as well want to achieve it gives an extra boost of confidence and have the mentality of "Well if she can do it, I can do it!" Sometimes when we feel discouraged about ourselves and compare to others but to know if someone else can do it, that boost of confidence can really help you grab on to that one thing you're striving for.

What young up and comer do you think is powerful and why?
Every young lady is a up and comer! It's powerful because as women we can show everyone that we can do things we set our mind too! Back in the day, the men "brought home the bread" and thw women just stayed at home, cooked, cleaned and took care of the children. To evolve as women is the single most powerful thing of all! 

I hope you all enjoy Let's Talk Tuesdays!


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