Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Confidence and Courage

Photo credit: DivineSkye Photography by Megan Lunsford (left)
Outfit: Dress from Macy's (left) 
Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe Beanie from Brandy Melville, Leather Jacket by Obey from Zumiez (right)

Confidence, now let's get real, EVERYONE struggles with being insecure about themselves at one point in their lives AT LEAST. Let me take you back all the way to Elementary School, Middle School and part of High School. From the first day of Kindergarten I had a lot of self esteem issues because well one, I was the odd one out, I grew up in a town where the Asian population is probably about 1% of the entire population. I was the only little Asian girl in my entire class, I didn't look like the rest, I had one of those really bad 90's hair cuts with the short bangs and quite honestly I did not fit in. I was also the youngest out of my classmates by a year and my teacher had told me that, she didn't believe I could excel at the age of four and had no hope for me which made me feel like I wasn't even smart enough or good enough to be among my peers.So, let's jump to first grade after I proved that darn kindergarten teacher wrong, I had started gymnastics! It was the first time I ever felt a sense of confidence in myself because it was something I was good at and all throughout Elementary School and Middle School that was my escape to feel accepted and confident. I mean, I had a few friends but like I said I was really the odd one out. In Middle School, I was that really awkward kid, in band and what not. I wasn't happy with what I saw in the mirror, had braces, teenage acne and I just was not a good looking kid. I looked at all my friends and peers, they were developed pretty, had a ton of friends and then there was me being really awkward. I was honestly not happy with the way I looked one bit and my awkwardness carried on through about my late Junior year. I personally believe it's because I was a gymnast and my body wasn't able to develop till I retired from a knee injury. So, Senior year of High School is when I discovered makeup to enhance what I already had and not cake my face up as I did in previous years. I found my "nitch" that year and started loving who I was. 

A few months later after I graduated, I was hired at Vans and let's just say, Vans honestly changed my world and it took me about a year to fully understand that I was hired for the person on the inside and that's what made me find confidence in myself. Makeup, I believe is a tool to help women feel beautiful don't get me wrong, but knowing you are a good person,with good intentions and dreams is what I think makes someone  start to become confident in themselves and then leads someone beginning to love themselves for who they truly are and embrace their imperfections. It takes courage for one to go out in the world and say "Hey, I'm me, I'm imperfect, I make a shit ton of mistakes, but I learn from them. I'm a good person and persevere through every shitty thing that gets thrown at me and I think I'm a beautiful person, so take me for who I am or don't and if you don't my middle finger truly goes out to you."

The way I look at life now that I'm a little older, is just the things I just quoted above. I know I'm not perfect and I'm okay with it. I'm confident within myself and love the person I see in the mirror, even if I do have a mega breakout on my face, because that's only temporary. I'm beautiful for who I am, not because designer everything makes me way prettier than I really am or because I know how to put on makeup. I'm pretty because I own what I have and make it my own and WORK IT. ;)  Accepting myself is what makes me a confident and a courageous woman. 

All you girls or guys do not need to look at others and go "oh look at what they have, I wish I was them, why can't I have their life." and blah blah blah. You all are all beautiful because of who you are as an individual. I challenge all of you to look in the mirror, pick out one thing about yourself that you like and look at what you have. Do you have a family that loves you, friends, someone who understands you, a house to live in or maybe a significant other? Pick at least two of those things and be thankful for them because the person you might always compare yourself might not have any of those special things that you have. 

I hope you guys really like this heart to heart post! Tell me what you guys love about yourselves and something you're thankful for!


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